Steps of Logic

Jude is not without clothes just because her name rhymes with ’nude'.

And just because Sergio killed a bear 1972.. it doesn’t mean that his second uncle keeps bees.

Sometimes ‘clues’ are strewn across decades. Ignore the ones that never seems to go away.

And you want to make ‘connections’.

Al was born on the 9:th.. his uncle was called ‘Zebrah’.. On a special occasion a cake was served.. and it had SEVEN candles.

From this you can make anything.

Do not trust people who just hold up a NUMBER and a LETTER.. or a DATE or a NAME and say there a connection.

Just because Mr. Mustard was in the Blue room, it doesn’t mean he killed Miss Marple.

What I want to say is:

When did you have the time to think and feel for a period of time.. without INPUT?


Filter the shit out.