VCR uses the concept of an old video cassette player. On the cassettes, you can store results from web-requests.
First you configure the recorder.
VCR.configure do |c|
c.cassette_library_dir = "cache/vcr"
c.hook_into :webmock
- Your recording will end up in directory cache/vcr.
- To emulate web-calls, :webmock is used.
VCR.use_cassette('test') do
res = HTTParty.get(url).body
Let’s say you are working on some script that collects data from a server. During testing, you run the script again and again. Everytime you call the server.
VCR records your request and plays it back for subsequent requests. So, instead of calling the server hundreds of times.. you use a local copy.
You can set record_mode to :once to have this behaviour.
Or you can set re_record_interval to the amount of seconds the copy should be valid.
:re_record_interval => 7.days,
:match_requests_on => [:method, :host, :path]) do
res = HTTParty.get(url).body
The 7.days
part is only valid for Rails. Otherwise you can do this:
DAY = (24 * HOUR = (MIN = 60) * 60)
:re_record_interval => 7 * DAY
class Integer
def minutes = (self * 60)
def hours = (self.minutes * 60)
def days = (self.hours * 24)
puts 7.days # => 604800
The match_request_on
determines what part(s) of the result should be considered a match. In this example header
is not included.