
I often code when going to sleep. I think about a problem or a subject and how I would attack it.. solve it.

In another project, I had the need for Ruby to be “temporary typed”. I can’t do that! But I can do something that works for me.

This is not the code.. it’s the instance:

require 'mw_locker.rb'

# first all variables using this class must be defined.
# They have a type (or types).
# They can use the 'filter'-property.. a Range or Array of values.
# Also a 'regex'-property.
# finally an optional block (or 'proc'-property of Proc or Lambda)
# It's mainly a setter/getter. All checks and procs are done when set.

X = {
  name(String) {|v| v.to_s }
  age Integer, filter: (1..100)
  name_age(Array) {|s| s.split(':') }
  to_bin(String) {|i| i.to_s(2) }
  # using proc: you can add proc or lambda
  # to_bin String, proc: ->(i) {i.to_s(2)}
  # to_bin String, proc: proc {|i| i.to_s(2)}

  # filter can be Range or Array (of allowed values)
  # Range can be inclusive or not.

  regplate String, regex: /^[A-ZÅÄÖ]{3}\s*\d{2}[0-9A-ZÅÄÖ]$/i

  testa [TrueClass, FalseClass]
  result [String, Integer, NilClass]
  copy(String) {|v| = v }

  koko :NoTypecheck
  person(:NoTypecheck) {|stc|, X.age) }

# -------------------------------------------------------------

X.age = 100
p X.age # => 100

X.name_age = 'Olle:21'
p X.name_age # => ["Olle", 21]

# X.age = 101 # => Exceptions::LockerFilterError

X.to_bin = 7
p X.to_bin # => "111"

h = {name: 'Otto', age: 34}

X.result = h[:name] # String is allowed
X.result = h[:age] #  Integer is allowed
X.result = h[:city] # nil is allowed

# p X.apa # => Exceptions::LockerKeyError

X.copy = 'Stig'
p X.copy # => "Stig"
p # => "Stig"

X.regplate = 'KKC 338'
X.regplate = 'bbo33z'

begin X.regplate = 'ABC-123'
rescue Exceptions::LockerRegexError; end

# .name converts any value to String
p = 8
p # => "8"

# .koko do not check for type
X.koko = 3.14
X.koko = 8
X.koko = :hejsan

# .person do no type-checking
# ..recieves a Struct and runs the block
# setting .name and .age = :Heliga_Lurban

# populates the struct with .name and .age
X.person =, :age)
p '%s is %s years old.' % [, X.person.age]

The thing that made me want his came from this:

  X = {
    key Symbol

  # inside a method_missing(key)
  X.key = key
  if X.key[/=$/]
    X.key = X.key[..-2]
    # do something with the key

I would get a warning.. EY! key just changed from Symbol to String!!!

Because without that warning.. I’d still have a key. And it would work on a Hash. I would have {some_key: ‘important’, ‘some_key’: ‘shit’}

The source-code is still a bit ugly (I had this idea the night before yesterday.. so I just worked on it 2hrs yesterday and some fixes today). Anyway.. too ugly still to show. But I think most people who used Ruby for more than a year.. would realize what the code would look like.